Meet our Pastor

Cathy Mooney began her ministry career as a youth intern in Eastern North Carolina, working with 4 small churches in Duplin and Wayne counties. Since that time, she has worked and volunteered in both small and large churches with children, teenagers, older adults, and those in-between. Dotted in there, mostly in the beginning were jobs in retail management, public relations and fundraising, and public school teaching.

Cathy was a member of the Genesis class of Union Presbyterian Seminary, Charlotte, graduating in 2008. After a few more years as an educator, she moved to Newton Grove, North Carolina in January 2018 to become pastor of Unity Presbyterian Church.

She is married to Timm Dazey. When not working, she enjoys visiting museums and dabbling in pottery. She likes to cook, but hates to clean…and through the years has enjoyed photography and writing.

She prefers email. You can reach her at